Thursday 31 October 2013

The Napoleonic Code - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "Napoleonic Code"

Napoleonic Code
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Napoleonic Code ‒ or Code Napoléon (the official name being the Code civil des français) ‒ is the French civil code established under Napoléon I in 1804.  The code forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs should go to the most qualified.

It was drafted rapidly by a commission of four eminent jurists and entered into force on 21 March 1804.  The Code, with its stress on clearly written and accessible law, was a major step in replacing the previous patchwork of feudal lawsHistorian Robert Holtman regards it as one of the few documents that have influenced the whole world.

The Napoleonic Code was not the first legal code to be established in a European country with a civil legal system; it was preceded by the Codex Maximilianeus bavaricus civilis (Bavaria, 1756), the Allgemeines Landrecht (Prussia, 1794), and the West Galician Code (Galicia, then part of Austria, 1797).  It was, however, the first modern legal code to be adopted with a pan-European scope, and it strongly influenced the law of many of the countries formed during and after the Napoleonic Wars.


The categories of the Napoleonic Code were not drawn from earlier French laws, but instead from Justinian's sixth-century codification of Roman law, the Corpus Juris Civilis and, within it, the Institutes.  The Institutes divide law into the law of:

Similarly, the Napoleonic Code divided law into law of:

acquisition of property
civil procedure (removed into a separate code in 1806).

Napoleonic reforms
Napoleon set out to reform the French legal system in accordance with the ideas of the French Revolution, because the old feudal and royal laws seemed confusing and contradictory to the people.

Before the Code, France did not have a single set of laws; law consisted mainly of local customs, which had sometimes been officially compiled in "customals" (coutumes), notably the Coutume de Paris.  There were also exemptions, privileges, and special charters granted by the kings or other feudal lords.  

During the Revolution, the last vestiges of feudalism were abolished.

Specifically, as to civil law, the many different bodies of law used in different parts of France were to be replaced by a single legal code.  Leading this drafting process was Jean Jacques Régis de Cambacérès.  His drafts of 1793 (for which he had been given a one month deadline), 1794, and 1799, however, were adopted only piecemeal by a National Convention more concerned about the turmoil resulting from the various wars and strife with other European powers.

A fresh start was made after Napoleon came to power in 1799.  A commission of four eminent jurists was appointed in 1800, including Louis-Joseph Faure and chaired by Cambacérès (now Second Consul), and sometimes by First Consul Napoleon himself.  After intensive scrutiny by the Council of State, by 1801 the Code was complete, but was not published until 21 March 1804Promulgated as the "Civil Code of the French" (code civil des Français), it was renamed "the Napoleonic Code" (code Napoléon) from 1807 to 1815, and once again under the Second French Empire.

Developed mainly out of the various customals, the process was inspired by Justinian's sixth-century codification of Roman law, the Corpus Iuris Civilis and, within that, Justinian's Code (Codex)The Napoleonic Code, however, differed from Justinian's in important ways: it incorporated all kinds of earlier rules, not only legislation; it was not a collection of edited extracts, but a comprehensive rewrite; its structure was much more rational; it had no religious content; and it was written in the vernacular.

The development of the Napoleonic Code was a fundamental change in the nature of the civil law system, making laws clearer and more accessible.  It also superseded the former conflict between royal legislative power and, particularly in the final years before the Revolution, protests by judges representing views and privileges of the social classes to which they belonged.  Such conflict led the Revolutionaries to take a negative view of judges making law.

This is reflected in the Napoleonic Code prohibiting judges from deciding a case by way of introducing a general rule (Article 5), since the creation of general rules is an exercise of legislative and not of judicial power.  In theory, there is thus no case law in France.  However, the courts still had to fill the gaps in the laws and regulations and, indeed, were prohibited from refusing to do so (Article 4)Moreover, both the codes and legislation have required judicial interpretation.  In these ways, a vast body of judicially-created law (jurisprudence) has come into existence, and while there is no rule of stare decisis (binding precedent), the decisions by important courts have become more-or-less equivalent to case law (see jurisprudence constante).

Saturday 26 October 2013

State Terrorism/State-sponsored Terrorism/International Terrorism - Blacks Law, 9th Edition

state terrorism. 1. Terrorism practiced by a sovereign government, esp. against its own people .• Under international legal principles of sovereignty, a gov­ernment's conduct that has effects only within its borders is generally not subject to interference from other nations. 2. See state-sponsored terrorism (1)

state-sponsored terrorism. 1. International terrorism
supported by a sovereign government
to pursue stra­tegic and political objectives2. See state terrorism (1). Cf. international terrorism.

international terrorism. Terrorism that occurs pri­marily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or that transcends national boundaries by the means in which it is carried out, the people it is intended to intimidate, or the place where the perpe­trators operate or seek asylum. 18 USCA § 2331(1). Cf.
state-sponsored terrorism. [Cases: War and National Emergency C=:SO.J

terrorism, n. (l8c) The use or threat of violence to intimi­date or cause panic, esp. as a means of affecting political conduct. See 18 USCA § 2331. See also terroristic threat under THREAT; terrorism insurance under INSURANCE. [Cases: Extortion and Threats C=>25.]-terrorist, adj. &n.

bioterrorism. Terrorism involving the intentional release of harmful biological agents, such as bacteria or viruses, into the air, food, or water supply, esp. of humans.   Also termed biological terrorism.

cyberterrorism. Terrorism committed by using a computer to make unlawful attacks and threats of attack against computers, networks, and electroni­cally stored information, and actually causing the target to fear or experience harm.

domestic terrorism. 1. Terrorism that occurs primar­ily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. 18 USCA § 2331(5). 2. Terrorism that is carried out against one's own government or fellow citizens. [Cases: War and National EmergencyC:::-;50.] ecoterrorism. Terrorism related to environmental issues or animal rights. - Also termed enviroterror­ism; ecological terrorism; environmental terrorism; ecosabotage; ecovandalism.

Thursday 17 October 2013

We All Participate In Fraud From Birth! Kate Of Gaia 15 Oct 2013

This div will be replaced

Friday 4 October 2013



 YOU are committing FRAUD with "UNCLEAN HANDS" under FALSE IMPERSONATION and AIDING/ABETTING FRAUD, ENTICEMENT TO SLAVERY, DECEPTION VIA NON-DISCLOSURE and countless other crimes knowingly/unknowingly by/for/of COMMISSION/OMISSION in the daily activities you refer to as "just doing my job".  

Please note, what you are about to read will defy your belief whereas the facts prove your LIABILITY/CULPABILITY in EVERY TRANSACTION you partake in.  Also note that any/all references to the CROWN are applicable WORLDWIDE regardless of borders, nations etc. inasmuch as all COURTS are CROWN jurisdiction and any/all REGISTRATIONS are, in fact, PROPERTY OF THE CROWN CORPORATION, TEMPLE B.A.R. CITY OF LONDON, STATE (the "Square Mile") 

1. Any/All ACCOUNTS are, in fact CROWN CORPORATION PROPERTY and do NOT belong to you or anyone that has FRAUDULENTLY used a NAME they believed to be theirs where it was GIVEN up willingly/unwillingly at the time of BIRTH REGISTRATION via the BIRTH CERTIFICATE and is the "sole" property of the CROWN CORPORATION, CITY OF LONDON, STATE and COPYRIGHTED creating a DEBT BOND upon YOU

2. Any/All LOANS/LIENS/MORTGAGES (Mort-Gage = death pledge en Français), ACCOUNTS, BILLS, FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, INVESTMENTS etc. et al are, in fact, FRAUDULENT DOCUMENTS when any/all CROWN OWNED/COPYRIGHTED NAME/S are used without the express permission of its owner that is the "sole" property of the CROWN CORPORATION, CITY OF LONDON, STATE as REGISTERED, thus SURRENDERED wholly to the CROWN by you/your parents etc. et al. 

3. Any/All IDENTIFICATION (passports, licenses, age of majority, student ID etc. et al) based on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is, in fact FALSE IMPERSONATION which is a CAPITAL CRIME whereas it, the BIRTH CERTIFICATE, is the only document ever willfully sent by ANY/ALL GOVERNMENTS to AID/ABET, DECEPTION VIA NON-DISCLOSURE any/all REGISTRANTS, PROPERTY OF THE CROWN and places you in immediate FRAUD/DISHONOUR as a result of procuring any/all documents deemed IDENTIFICATION by using CROWN PROPERTY to do so.  A "LICENSE", from "licentious" proclaims one to be "a sexually and morally depraved criminal by definition and thus ARRESTABLE by virtue of claiming one or having any/all GOVERNMENT ISSUED ID-ENTITY/IDENTIFICATION

4. There is no such thing as a "DEFENCE" lawyer inasmuch as ALL TEMPLE B.A.R. MEMBERS have sworn an OATH OF ALLEGIANCE to the CROWN first and foremost and senior to any/all agreements made with non-TEMPLE B.A.R. members WHEREAS the CROWN must be protected at all costs regardless of perceived justice/injustice where CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY are involved.  People do not "win" in court, they are "selected" to keep the "I can win the lottery" illusion, and thus, their system, operating

5. You are GUILTY of FRAUD ABSOLUTE by knowingly/unknowingly AIDING AND ABETTING people into SIGNING/CONTRACTING all manner of FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS inasmuch as both PARTIES involved are FRAUDULENTLY claiming ownership of a REGISTERED NAME that belongs to the CROWN as REGISTEREDAny/All things REGISTERED such as your home, cars, investments, accounts, businesses, children etc. are PROPERTY OF THE CROWN upon the instant they are REGISTERED and they can be "STOLEN", in HONOUR, as a result of REGISTRATION/S

6. YOU are LIABLE, in your living form for any/all CONTRACTS/LOANS/FORECLOSURES etc. et al that YOU have SIGNED your NAME to and any/all people YOU have AIDED AND ABETTED in these FRAUDULENT ACTIONS where any/all IMMUNITY from these crimes has been removed effective September 1st, 2013 via the APOSTOLIC LETTER (MOTU PROPRIA) of POPE FRANCIS where ROMAN CURIA, the basis under which any/all CORPORATIONS are created is removed.  The simple truth is this: Many of you had or have no idea what you have been doing in the day to day nature of your "job" but ignorance is not a defense of/from any laws.  There is no "STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS" on FRAUD where "A fraud revealed is null and void, nunc pro tunc (now for then)"

While you may not comprehend certain terms in this document, it's best that you get up to speed because I and countless others do know and we're coming for all the things stolen from us via YOUR aiding and abetting crimes against humanity.  There is nowhere left to hide and that includes anything you consider your assets. 

You now have a choice; to continue committing FRAUD KNOWINGLY or be a part of the backlash from the countless millions coming on line with this truth now.  I advise further reading on my website .  Please note, I made a judge bow once with far less knowledge and I have the video evidence to prove it along with hundreds of millions of others who saw it too.  Everything you need to know is on my website - NOW CHOOSE.  Have a nice day, kate* 

p.s. My family was kidnapped at gunpoint, my home stolen along with my car, truck and tens of thousands of dollars of personal items/money stolen, 28 days solitary confinement of my life robbed, life savings/production stolen and my family destroyed as a result etc. by you and the armed thugs called police that are the dogs for the masters you serve.  Ask me if I'm motivated? The worst part? You got screwed too and you too gave up your children to slavery by REGISTERING them like everyone else. 

* non-REGISTERED signet, under MY SEAL.