Thursday 7 November 2013

Hebrew calendar - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "Hebrew calendar"

Hebrew calendar 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (הַלּוּחַ הָעִבְרִי, ha'luach ha'ivri) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances.  It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, yahrzeits (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses.  In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the latter usage has been steadily declining in favor of the Gregorian calendar.  The calendar used by Jews has evolved over time.  The basic structural features of the early calendar are thought to have been influenced by the Babylonian calendar, including the seven-day week, the lunisolar intercalary adjustment and the names of the months.  Until the Tannaitic period (approximately 10–220 CE) the calendar employed a new crescent moon, with an additional month normally added every two or three years to correct for the difference between twelve lunar months and the solar year. When to add it was based on observation of natural agriculture-related events.

Through the Amoraic period (200–500 CE) and into the Geonic period, this system was gradually displaced by the mathematical rules used today. The principles and rules were fully codified by Maimonides in the Mishneh Torah in the 12th century.  

Maimonides' work also replaced counting "years since the destruction of the Temple" with the modern creation-era Anno Mundi.  The Hebrew calendar year is longer by about 6 minutes and 25+25/57 seconds than the current mean solar year, so that every 224 years, the Hebrew calendar will fall a day behind the current mean solar year; and about every 231 years it will fall a day behind the Gregorian calendar year.  Because of the roughly eleven-day difference between twelve lunar months and one solar year, the length of the Hebrew calendar year varies in the repeating 19-year Metonic cycle of 235 lunar months, with the intercalary month added according to defined rules every two or three years, for a total of seven times per 19 years.  The era used since the middle ages is the Anno Mundi epoch (Latin for "in the year of the world"; Hebrew: לבריאת העולם, "from the creation of the world").  As with Anno Domini, the words or abbreviation (A.M. or AM) for the era should properly precede the date rather than follow it, although this is no longer always followed.  AM 5773 began at sunset on 16 September 2012 and ended on 4 September 2013.  AM 5774 began at sunset on 4 September 2013 and will end on 24 September 2014.  AM 5775 will begin at sunset on 24 September 2014 and end on 13 September 2015.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

40th century BC - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "40th century BC"

40th century BC 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

During the 40th century BC, the Near East and southeastern Europe were in the Chalcolithic period (Copper Age), transitional between the Stone and the Bronze AgesNorthwestern Europe was in the NeolithicChina was dominated by the Neolithic Yangshao culture.  The Americas were in a phase of transition between the Paleo-Indian (Lithic) to the Meso-Indian (Archaic) stage.

Anno Lucis - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "Anno Lucis"

Anno Lucis 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Anno Lucis is a dating system used in Freemasonry that is similar to, but different from Anno Mundi

In their ceremonial or commemorative proceedings, Freemasons add 4,000 years to the current Anno Domini calendar year and append Anno Lucis (“Year of Light”) to the Gregorian calendar year (for example, 2013 AD is 6013 AL).  This calendar era, which would designate 4,001 BC as year zero, was adopted in the 18th century (58th century AL) as a simplification of the Anno Mundi era dating system used in the Hebrew calendar, and borrowing from other ideas of that time regarding the year of creation.   See also  40th century BC

Anno Domini - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "Anno Domini"

Anno Domini 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Anno Domini (AD or A.D.) and Before Christ (BC or B.C.) are designations used to label or number years used with the Julian and Gregorian calendars.  The term Anno Domini is Medieval Latin, translated as In the year of the Lord, and as in the year of Our Lord.  :782 It is sometimes specified more fully as Anno Domini Nostri Iesu (Jesu) Christi ("In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ").  This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth, with AD counting years from the start of this epoch, and BC denoting years before the start of the era.  There is no year zero in this scheme, so the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC.  This dating system was devised in 525, but was not widely used until after 800.

The Gregorian calendar is the most widely used calendar in the world today.  For decades, it has been the unofficial global standard, adopted for pragmatic interests of international communication, transportation and commercial integration and recognized by international institutions such as the United Nations and the Universal Postal Union.  Traditionally, English followed Latin usage by placing the abbreviation before the year number for AD.  Since BC is not derived from Latin it is placed after the year number (for example: AD 2013, but 68 BC).  However, placing the AD after the year number (as in "2013 AD") is also becoming common usage.  The abbreviation is also widely used after the number of a century or millennium, as in "fourth century AD" or "second millennium AD" (although conservative usage formerly rejected such expressions).  Because BC is the English abbreviation for Before Christ, it is sometimes incorrectly concluded that AD means After Death, i.e., after the death of Jesus.  However this would mean that the ~33 years commonly associated with the life of Jesus would not be present in either BC or AD time scales.

Anno Mundi - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "Anno Mundi"

Anno Mundi 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Anno Mundi (Latin: "in the year of the world"), abbreviated as AM or A.M., or Year After Creation, refers to a Calendar era based on the biblical creation of the world.  Numerous efforts have been made to determine the biblical date of Creation, yielding varying results.  Besides differences in interpretation, which version of the Bible is being referenced also impacts on the result.  Two dominant dates for creation using such models exist.  These were calculated from the genealogies in two versions of the Bible, with most of the difference arising from two versions of the Book of GenesisPatriarchs from Adam to Terah, the father of Abraham, are said to be older by as much as 100 years or more when they begat their named son in the Greek Christian Septuagint than they were in the Latin Christian Vulgate (Genesis 5; Genesis 11) or the Hebrew Jewish Tanakh (Gen 5; Gen 11). The net difference between the two major genealogies of Genesis was 1466 years (ignoring the "second year after the flood" ambiguity), which is virtually all of the 1500-year difference between 5500 BC and 4000 BC.  (See Dating creation.)  The older dates about 5500 BC are based on the Greek (Christian) Septuagint.  The Byzantine calendar has been in general use at one time in the Christian Orthodox Churches and several Eastern European countries.  The younger dates about 4000 BC are based on the Hebrew Jewish Masoretic text.  The Hebrew calendar era is used within the Jewish communities

Shanghaiing - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "Shanghaiing"


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Shanghaiing refers to the practice of kidnapping men to serve as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence.  Those engaged in this form of kidnapping were known as crimps.  Until 1915, unfree labor was widely used aboard American merchant ships.  The related term press gang refers specifically to impressment practices in Great Britain's Royal Navy

Monday 4 November 2013

Misprision of Treason - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dead in Law - dead (Fiction) to -->> dead (Fiction)
Original Article: "Misprision of treason

Misprision of treason is an offence found in many common law jurisdictions around the world, having been inherited from English law.  It is committed by someone who knows a treason is being or is about to be committed but does not report it to a proper authority

Under Australian law a person is guilty of misprision of treason if he: "(a) receives or assists another person who, to his or her knowledge, has committed treason with the intention of allowing him or her to escape punishment or apprehension; or (b) knowing that another person intends to commit treason, does not inform a constable of it within a reasonable time or use other reasonable endeavours to prevent the commission of the offence."  The penalty is life imprisonment

Under section 50(1)(b) of the Canadian Criminal Code, a person is guilty of an offence (although it is not described as misprision) if: "knowing that a person is about to commit high treason or treason [he] does not, with all reasonable dispatch, inform a justice of the peace or other peace officer thereof or make other reasonable efforts to prevent that person from committing high treason or treason."  The maximum penalty is 14 years

Republic of Ireland
Under section 3 of the Treason Act 1939 a person is guilty of misprision of treason if "knowing that any act the commission of which would be treason is intended or proposed to be, or is being, or has been committed, [he] does not forthwith disclose the same, together with all particulars thereof known to him, to a Justice of the District Court, or an officer of the Gárda Síochána, or some other person lawfully engaged on duties relating to the preservation of peace and order." 

New Zealand
Section 76(b) of the Crimes Act 1961 provides that any person who "knowing that a person is about to commit treason, fails without reasonable excuse to inform a constable as soon as possible or to use other reasonable efforts to prevent its commission" is guilty of an offence. A person guilty of this offence is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years

Russia has no specific offence of misprision.  However Article 275 of the Criminal Code of Russia encourages people to come forward with information by providing them with a statutory defence to treason and other offences:  "A person who has committed crimes stipulated in this Article, or by Articles 276 and 278 of this Code, shall be relieved from criminal responsibility if he has facilitated the prevention of further damage to the interests of the Russian Federation by informing the governmental authorities of his own free will and in due time, or in any other way, if his actions contain no other corpus delicti." 

United Kingdom
Misprision of treason is an offence under the common law of England and Wales and the common law of Northern Ireland.  By statute, the offence of misprision of treason under the common law of England has been made an offence which is cognisable under the law of Scotland.  This offence was formerly known as misprision of high treason in order to distinguish it from misprision of petty treason.  The crime is committed where a person knows that treason is being planned or committed and does not report it as soon as he can to a justice of the peace or other authority.  The offender does not need to consent to the treason; mere knowledge is enough.  Failure to report treason used to itself be treason at common law, but a statute passed by the parliament of 1554-1555 created a new offence of misprision of treason, which was a non-capital felony.

Difference between treason and misprision of treason 
In R v. Tonge (1662) 6 State Tr 225, it was said that: 

“ Where a person knowing of the design meets with the others and hears them discourse of their traitorous designs and says or acts nothing; this is high treason in that party, for it is more than a bare concealment, which is misprision.  But if a person not knowing of their design before, come into their company and hear their discourses, and say nothing, and never meet with them again at their consultations, that conduct is only misprision of high treason. ”

 (For more information about the "Tonge Plot", click here.) Similarly, in R v. Walcott (1683) 9 State Tr 519 at 553, Pemberton, LCJ. said: 

 “ For a man to hear of treason accidentally or occasionally and conceal it is but misprision, but if a man will be at consult where treason is hatched and will then conceal it he is guilty of treason therein. ” 

It is punishable by imprisonment for life.  It used also to be punished by forfeiture but that is probably no longer the case in England and Wales.

The procedure on trials for misprision of treason is the same as that on trials for murder.  It is classified as an indictable-only offence

A person may not be indicted for misprision of treason committed within the United Kingdom unless the indictment is signed within three years of the commission of that offence.

Scottish Parliament
Misprision of treason is a reserved matter on which the Scottish Parliament cannot legislate.

Misprision of petty treason
Misprision of petty treason was an offence under the common law of England and Wales, and under the common law of Ireland and was classified as a misdemeanour.  It was never an offence in Scotland. It ceased to be an offence in England and Wales when petty treason was abolished by the Offences against the Person Act 1828

United States
In the United States, misprision of treason is a federal offense, committed where someone who has knowledge of the commission of any treason against the United States, conceals such knowledge and does not inform the President, a federal judge or State Governor or State judge (18 U.S.C. § 2382).  It is punishable by a fine and up to seven years in federal prison.  It is also a crime punishable under the criminal laws of many states.

Misprision of felony - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dead in Law - dead (Fiction) to -->> dead (Fiction)

Original Article: "Misprision of felony"

Misprision of felony 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Misprision of felony was an offence under the common law of England and was classified as a misdemeanour.  It consisted of failing to report knowledge of a felony to the appropriate authoritiesExceptions were made for close family members of the felon.  A person was not obliged to disclose his knowledge of a felony where the disclosure would tend to incriminate him of that offence or another.  With the development of the modern law, this crime has been discarded in many jurisdictions, and is generally only applied against persons placed in a special position of authority or responsibility.  In this case, the offence of misfeasance in public office or malfeasance in public office may be considered instead.  For example, corrections officers who stand idly by while drug trafficking occurs within the prison may be prosecuted for this crime.  It has been abolished in England and Wales, in Northern Ireland, in the Republic of Ireland, and in New South Wales.

Ultra vires - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "ultra vires"

ultra vires - beyond the legal power or authority of a person or official or body etc; "an ultra vires contract"
Original Article: "Ultra vires"

Ultra vires 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Ultra vires is a Latin phrase meaning literally "beyond powers", and slightly less literally (from interpolating the definite article "the", not found in Latin) "beyond [the] powers", although its standard legal translation and substitute is "beyond power".  If an act requires legal authority and it is done with such authority, it is characterised in law as intra vires (nearly literally "within [the] powers", after interpolating "the"; standard legal translation and substitute, "within power").  If it is done without such authority, it is ultra viresActs that are intra vires may equivalently be termed "valid" and those that are ultra vires "invalid".

Sunday 3 November 2013

Leon Trotsky - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "Leon Trotsky"

Leon Trotsky 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Leon Trotsky[a] (Russian: Лев Дави́дович Тро́цкий; pronounced born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein; 7 November [O.S. 26 October] 1879 – 21 August 1940) was a Russian Marxist revolutionary and theorist, Soviet politician, and the founder and first leader of the Red ArmyTrotsky was initially a supporter of the Menshevik Internationalists faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party.  He joined the Bolsheviks immediately prior to the 1917 October Revolution, and eventually became a leader within the Party.  During the early days of the Soviet Union, he served first as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs and later as the founder and commander of the Red Army as People's Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs. He was a major figure in the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War (1918–20).  He was also among the first members of the Politburo.  After leading a failed struggle of the Left Opposition against the policies and rise of Joseph Stalin in the 1920s and the increasing role of bureaucracy in the Soviet Union, Trotsky was successively removed from power in 1927, expelled from the Communist Party, and finally deported from the Soviet Union in 1929.  As the head of the Fourth International, Trotsky continued in exile in Mexico to oppose the Stalinist bureaucracy in the Soviet Union.  An early advocate of Red Army intervention against European fascism, in the late 1930s, Trotsky opposed Stalin's non-aggression pact with Adolf Hitler.  He was assassinated on Stalin's orders in Mexico, by Ramón Mercader, a Spanish-born Soviet agent in August 1940.  (Most of his family members were also killed in separate attacks.)  Trotsky's ideas were the basis of Trotskyism, a major school of Marxist thought that is opposed to the theories of Stalinism.  He was one of the few Soviet political figures who were not rehabilitated by the government under Nikita Khrushchev in the 1950s.  In the late 1980s, his books were released for publication in the Soviet Union.

George Bernard Shaw - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "George Bernard Shaw"

George Bernard Shaw 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950) was an Irish playwright and a co-founder of the London School of Economics.  Although his first profitable writing was music and literary criticism, in which capacity he wrote many highly articulate pieces of journalism, his main talent was for drama, and he wrote more than 60 plays.  He was also an essayist, novelist and short story writer.  Nearly all his writings address prevailing social problems, but have a vein of comedy which makes their stark themes more palatable.  Issues which engaged Shaw's attention included education, marriage, religion, government, health care, and class privilege.  He was most angered by what he perceived as the exploitation of the working class.  An ardent socialist, Shaw wrote many brochures and speeches for the Fabian Society.  He became an accomplished orator in the furtherance of its causes, which included gaining equal rights for men and women, alleviating abuses of the working class, rescinding private ownership of productive land, and promoting healthy lifestyles.  

For a short time he was active in local politics, serving on the London County Council.  In 1898, Shaw married Charlotte Payne-Townshend, a fellow Fabian, whom he survived.  They settled in Ayot St Lawrence in a house now called Shaw's Corner.  Shaw died there, aged 94, from chronic problems exacerbated by injuries he incurred by falling from a ladder.  He is the only person to have been awarded both a Nobel Prize in Literature (1925) and an Oscar (1938), for his contributions to literature and for his work on the film Pygmalion (adaptation of his play of the same name), respectively.  Shaw wanted to refuse his Nobel Prize outright because he had no desire for public honours, but accepted it at his wife's behest: she considered it a tribute to Ireland.  He did reject the monetary award, requesting it be used to finance translation of fellow playwright August Strindberg's works from Swedish to English.

impersonation, false impersonation (1878). Police Officers with 2 identity's

Blacks Law, 9th Edition

The act of impersonating someone - Also termed personation

false impersonation (1878)
The crime of falsely representing oneself as another person, usually, a law-enforcement officer, for the purpose of deceiving someone

BAR members

incriminating evidence
False impersonation 

             ||            identity, 1   --  identity, 2
2 - identity's - Police Officer -  GOV ID
Aiding and Abetting - legal crime - deceiving

2 faces, at the same time.  Multiple identity's.

Ever heard someone say "don't impersonate a police officer", well they are doing it, just that.  The Police Officer has 2 identity's at the same time, {government ID} as well as being the {police officer}, so what are they?, one or the other, do they really know who they are. 

Schizophrenia, multiple personalities, a person's brain can create several personalities or other people that present themselves,

Dissociative identity disorder (DID), also known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a mental disorder characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behavior, and is accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness.

Saturday 2 November 2013

1-Christian 2-Science - is an Oxymoron

Original Article: "Christian Science"

Christian Science 

1-Christian 2-Science is a pseudoscientific and overtly religious belief system founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866, based on the idea that Christianity is a verifiable set of beliefs.  The central texts of 1-Christian 2-Science are the Bible and the 1-Christian 2-Science textbook, Science & Health With Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

Oxymoronic connotations 

"1-Christian 2-Science" is an oxymoron in the sense that "1-Christian" implies some form of dogma and set of beliefs to be adhered to, while "2-science" is a method that does not and cannot have a strict dogma.  Unfortunately, it's an oxymoron that has attracted a sizable following (which isn't entirely surprising, since the "2-Science" part of the name was tacked on to gain credibility).  Contrary to the name, followers of "1-Christian 2-Science" do not actually believe in science—or even, it would seem, their own senses, since they specifically deny any evidence which contradicts their interpretation of the Bible.  There are also some who would doubt their religion is particularly Christian, but that is beyond our scope. 

Medicine and health 

1-Christian 2-Scientists deny the reality of the physical world.  

They instead believe that the only reality is purely spiritual and that there is only one substance of which we are all composed (God).  

As a consequence, 1-Christian 2-Scientists deny the reality of pain and disease, believing them to be deceptive misperceptions of the pure spiritual nature of man and God.  They contend any such misperception may be remedied through prayer and reflection on God's perfection and goodness.  The official party line is that 1-Christian 2-Science does not try to convince people not to get medical attention, but does discourage mixing of 1-Christian 2-Science and reality-based treatments.  The primary book for 1-Christian 2-Scientists is Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures, first published in 1875 by Mary Baker Eddy.  It is no small irony that Eddy's history of hearing voices as a child suggests she may have been schizophrenic, a diagnosis medical science was not yet capable of making in the 19th century and which 1-Christian 2-Science would have in any event rejected.

Nancy Brewster 

Nancy Brewster was a seven-year-old girl who died as a direct result of neglectful "treatment" at the hands of her mother, who followed the teachings of 1-Christian 2-Science

Because Nancy was "God's perfect child," it would be impossible for her to have health problems—thus when exercising in 100+ degree heat didn't cure her lymphoma, it was because she was being stubborn, a perfectly valid reason for her mother to repeatedly beat her and blame her for her illness.  After her death, her mother told her siblings that she had taken a trip to AfricaMs. Brewster's published testimony in the 1-Christian 2-Science Journal ignores the existence of Nancy.  Many other children have also died at the hands of 1-Christian 2-Scientist parents. The conditions they die from are usually easily treatable, e.g. diabetes.  Due to religious exemptions in criminal and civil code many of these parents are able to escape justice altogether or receive lesser charges.  A similar event was presented in Family Guy episode titled "Livin' on a Prayer" (Season 10, Episode 12).  In addition to the usual shoehorned cut-scenes the plot of the episode is based around an infant being diagnosed with a treatable form of cancer taken home by his 1-Christian 2-Science mother, to be kidnapped by the Griffins who took him to a hospital.  There is a brief standoff at the hospital between Lois and the parents of the child (and police) which includes Lois making brilliant counter-arguments to 1-Christian 2-Science ('what if medical treatment is God's will?', 'what if penicillin is answered prayer?').  The standoff ends with Lois saying "What's the point of praying to God for a cure if you're just going to wipe your butt with his answers?" As of 6 February 2012 there is no word of a lawsuit regarding the incident

The Church 

Unsurprisingly, Mary Baker Eddy used 1-Christian 2-Science as the basis for founding a new church.  Its official name is The Church of Christ, Scientist.  Instead of sermons, the Church has readings from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, per Ms. Eddy's instructions.

Oxymoron -

Original Article: "oxymoron"

1. oxymoron 

Two words that conflict with each other.  Two words which do not agree with each other. 

Examples of an oxymoron: 

Microsoft Works 
United Nations 
Political Correctness 
Linux Complete 
Music Television (MTV) 
Living Dead 
Artificial Reality 
Rap Music 

2. oxymoron 

Two words that contradict each other. 

AOL High-Speed 

3. oxymoron 

Two words or phrases with extreme opposite meanings.


McDonald's Big N' Tasty 
Microsoft Works 
Rap Music 
Jumbo Shrimp 
Plastic Glasses 
Peace Force 
Good Grief 
Personal Computer 
Random Order 


4. oxy moron 
two words in a phrase that are opposites 

millitary intellegence 
canadian army 
british honor 
honor among thieves 
living dead 
jumbo shrimp 

51. Friendly Fire 
50. Act naturally 
49. Found missing 
48. Resident alien 
47. Advanced BASIC 
46. Genuine imitation 
45. Airline Food 
44. Good grief 
43. Same difference 
42. Almost exactly 
41. Government organization 
40. Sanitary landfill 
39. Alone together 
38. Legally drunk 
37. Silent scream 
36. British fashion 
35. Living dead 
34. Small crowd 
33. Business ethics 
32. Soft rock 
30. Military Intelligence 
29. Software documentation 
28. New York culture 
27. New classic 
26. Sweet sorrow 
25. Childproof 
24. "Now, then ..." 
23. Synthetic natural gas 
22. Christian Scientists 
21. Passive aggression 
20. Taped live 
19. Clearly misunderstood 
18. Peace force 
17. Extinct Life 
16. Temporary tax increase 
14. Plastic glasses 
13. Terribly pleased 
12. Computer security 
11. Political science 
10. Tight slacks 
9. Definite maybe 
8. Pretty ugly 
7. Twelve-ounce pound cake 
6. Diet ice cream 
5. Rap music 
4. Working vacation 
3. Exact estimate 
2. Religious tolerance 

And the Number one top OXY-Moron . . . 

1. Microsoft Works

5. oxymoron 

A combination of contridictory words 

Military Intelligence 

6. oxymoron 

A two word phrase in which the words ironically contradict each other

Forced democracy 
military intelligence 
healthy tan 
free trade 
black gold 
peacemaker missile 
peace officer 
just war 
amicable divorce 

7. oxy moron 

two words that contradict each other 

perfect reject, 
pretty ugly

Espionage, part 2 - Another look at what espionage means, from a different perspective, or different eyes (opened eyes)

Espionage, part 2

Another look at what espionage means, from a different perspective, or different eyes (opened eyes).

By the way, Intelligence is non-sence.

Intelligence is a fictional concept, an idea, it has nothing to do with a real living human, being.

Espionage is spying, and Intelligence gathering is spying too, it is the same thing, that is the real Criminals at work.

The same side in=green

There is nothing lawful here, apart from the living, human, being


Date and Information


Who are the real Criminals?

Would you know real criminals, if you were blinded by lies, which you believed all your life were true, but they were in fact, all lies, and they got you to believe in it?

A different perspective

Espionage or spying (CAMS, placed within buildings, and STREET CAMS, placed within the streets of ordinary people), involves a government or individual (COUNCILS) obtaining information considered secret or confidential {without the permission of the holder of the information}.

Espionage is inherently clandestine, as it is taken for granted that it is unwelcome and, in many cases illegal and punishable by law.  It is a {subset of intelligence gathering}, which otherwise may be conducted from public sources and using perfectly
legal-(CRIMINAL) and ethical means.  It is crucial to distinguish espionage from {intelligence gathering}, as the latter does not necessarily involve espionage, but often collates open-source information.

Espionage is often part of an institutional effort by a government or commercial concern, however the term is generally associated with {state spying} on potential or actual enemies primarily for military purposes. 

Spying involving corporations-(NAME-PERSON) is known as industrial espionage.

One of the most effective ways to gather data and information about an enemy (or potential enemy) is by infiltrating the enemy's ranks.  This is the job of the spy (espionage agent)Spies can bring back all sorts of information concerning the size and strength of an enemy army.  They can also find dissidents within the enemy's forces and influence them to defect.  In times of crisis, spies can also be used to steal technology and to sabotage the enemy in various ways. 

Counterintelligence operatives can feed false information to enemy spies, protecting important domestic secrets and preventing attempts at subversion. 

Nearly every country has very strict laws concerning espionage, and the penalty for being caught is often severe.  However, the benefits that can be gained through espionage are generally great enough that most governments and many large corporations-(NAME-PERSON) make use of it to varying degrees.

Friday 1 November 2013

Tall tale - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "Tall tale"

Tall tale 

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

A tall tale is a story with unbelievable elements, related as if it were true and factual.  Some such stories are exaggerations of actual events, for example fish stories ('the fish that got away') such as, "That fish was so big, why I tell ya', it nearly sank the boat when I pulled it in!" Other tall tales are completely fictional tales set in a familiar setting, such as the European countryside, the American frontier, the Canadian Northwest, or the beginning of the Industrial RevolutionTall tales are often told so as to make the narrator seem to have been a part of the story.  They are usually humorous or good-natured.  The line between legends and tall tales is distinguished primarily by age; many legends exaggerate the exploits of their heroes, but in tall tales the exaggeration looms large, to the extent of becoming the whole of the story.

taught to be, and taught to do - [Who am i, Who was i]

You are taught to do, and taught to be, you are still a child

DAY 1 - You are born, in hospital, then you got REGISTERED. taught to be.

DAY 2 - You grow up, you are taught to be and do, at school, educated

DAY 3 - You are taught to be and do, extra school education, college or university,

DAY 4 - You get a JOB, you enjoy your work, but still, you are taught to be and taught to do.

DAY 5 - You retire from your JOB, which you have been taught to be and do, all your life.

DAY 6 - You get ill, you are taught to get this, and get that,
DAY 7 - You died of your illness, which was the cause of you getting taught.

Who am i, Who was i