The Best of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" By Dr. Joel Wallach B.S., DVM, ND on a Crusade for "90 for Life" on Preventing and Eraticating such diseases as Arthritis, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, ADD, ADHD, Cholesterol, Alzheimers, High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Cancer, Asthma, and many more You have to Listen to each segment of this Audio/Video, Your Life and others depends on it! Get in touch with us!
Truth, Law is within u, Private/living/Spirit/Soul/consciousness
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Dr. Joel Wallach: "The Best of Dead Doctors Dont Lie!"
The Best of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" By Dr. Joel Wallach B.S., DVM, ND on a Crusade for "90 for Life" on Preventing and Eraticating such diseases as Arthritis, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, ADD, ADHD, Cholesterol, Alzheimers, High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Cancer, Asthma, and many more You have to Listen to each segment of this Audio/Video, Your Life and others depends on it! Get in touch with us!