Wednesday, 9 May 2012

How do we treat cancer? 

Our treatment protocol is listed in the tabs to the left side of the screen.  Our research is moving rapidly with the addition of the China 800 bed research and treatment facility and our Ecuador treatment facility.  In short, the development of our "inhibitory peptides" that help inhibit cancer proteins, has opened new windows of discovery into stopping this disease in its tracks.  We have known since 2006 that most cancer growths are the result of neurotoxins/anerobic bacteria which are primarily found in dead teeth such as root canals and by other oral pathology and dental infections, especially abscessed roots.  But, of course, there have been exceptions which has prompted further study only to find common ground with neurotoxins and the P53 and its associates.  Using the science of Epigenetics, which is the study of how genes are influenced by their environment, we are locking in on important factors that allow us to treat what we had believed to be the  "exceptions" to the oral pathology theory.  Adverse epigenetic influences can damage or mutate DNA altering genetic expression and allowing cancer to flourish.  After a couple of years of treatments performed in Ecuador, we began to notice an interesting phenomen: change the environment of our patients by bringing them to Ecuador and the cancer would go into remission with our treatments, but with several cases, we began to notice the return of cancer when they returned to their homes.  Were they living in a toxic environment? We believe so.  They returned to a food chain of inflammatory processed foods, water contaminated with floride and other chemicals, and a lifestyle of stress.  Since our Ecuador treatments include "epigenetic modulation" processes while living in an environment mostly free from the environmental toxins found in the USA and other "advanced" countries, we have been able to stop cancer completely.  We can't control what happens when they return but, hopefully, with further study, we can help these few whose cancer continues to return, while living in their toxic environments, find solutions.

Angiogenesis, a process which new blood vessel growth helps feed tumors, is another factor we address in our treatments.  Much research has been performed trying to find ways to block this process which is most often set into motion with the inflammatory process.  Scientists have known for decades that if we can control antiogenesis, we can control tumor growth by cutting off the feeding mechanism supplying the tumor with blood.

It has been determined that smoking can cause cancer. . .

tooth with a crown over mercury amalgam filling a root canal

It has been determined that root canals can cause cancer. . .

tooth with a crown over mercury amalgam filling a root canal

Just as the tobacco industry fought the truth about smoking causing cancer, American dentists are now trying to defend deadly  root canals.  A root canal is a dead bone(dead body part) but worse because of its location(in the mouth)which is constantly being exposed to deadly anaerobic bacteria.  Dead body parts cause sickness and death.  The dental profession that promotes this lucrative procedure is, of course, unwilling to give up "saving your tooth."  Ten years of extensive research indicate that root canals are connected to the diseases below:

Lupus - Most cancers including blood cancers - auto immune diseases - Parkinson's Disease - Alzheimer's - heart disease - etc.
40,000 American Women and countless others Will Die This Year...

From a Preventable Disease...


You now have choices. Do you accept chemicals, radiation, destructive surgery, and painful death? Or...

Do you choose a gentler, non-toxic approach to cancer treatment, one with proven life extension?
Did You Know This About  Cancer?

A five-year study conducted by the North Carolina Institute of Technology indicated that out of 300 cancer cases studied:

    93 percent of our patients with cancer had root canals.

    6 percent had other oral pathology.

    1 percent had long-term exposure to neurotoxins found in pesticides and other chemicals

    Tumors, in the majority of cases, occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal(s) or other oral pathology.


It is predicted that by 2020, less than 10 years from now, 80% of Americans will have cancer in their lifetime! From the present rate of root canal procedures, it all makes sense. Countries that do not have many dentists, and especially those who do root canals, have little cancer and the cancer that exists is primarily from neurotoxins in their environment (pesticides and other neuotoxic chemicals).
Is Cancer Curable?

Recent scientific developments in Ecuador have made cancer very curable--even late stages.

If you now have cancer, you don't have to die with it, and you don't have to deal with the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.