Sunday, 15 July 2012

People Need to understand they do NOT need to be Foreclosed on!

Original article:
1. None of criminals in the bankster scam are “creditors.” “They” created the money through the Federal Reserve scam.  Read "Modern Money Mechanics," published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.  Get a copy here:

2. Only the HOLDER of the ORIGINAL writings, promissory note & mortgage agreement, has the right of enforcement (foreclosure).  The HOLDER can delegate enforcement rights to an assignee, if the HOLDER had the right to make the assignment, and then, if the assignment be valid.  A good place to start learning about the commercial rules is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).  UCC 3-301 is a good place to start.  Online here:

3. Only proper parties should be named in lawsuits.  If the so-called “creditor” is not the HOLDER of the ORIGINAL note & mortgage, or cannot produce a valid chain of assignment back to the HOLDER having the right to make such assignment of rights, that so-called “creditor” is not a proper party to the lawsuit.

If the real HOLDER never steps up to make a valid claim, the Quiet Title will be granted to the so-called “borrower.”

That resolves the issue.

4. This statement by Anonymous is down the proverbial “rabbit-hole”: “But you still have a debt obligation under the note.  You can be sued for those payments.  If the creditor can prove the note, then you lose.  If you stopped payments after the QT, you will likely owe interest on your payments.”

If the ORIGINAL security cannot be produced, there is NO OBLIGATION.  Only the ORIGINALS have any value either/or obligation that can be said to be intrinsic to such security.

It is impossible to prove the existence of the ORIGINAL without producing the ORIGINAL.  A COPY of an ORIGINAL is COUNTERFEIT, FORGED, PHOTO-SHOPPED, and FRAUDULENT.  A COPY HAS NO VALUE.  Try cashing a COPY of a Federal Reserve Note!

See Carpenter v. Longan, 83 U.S. (16 Wall.) 271, 274 (1872), relied upon by Kansas S.Ct in 2009 to kick MERS to the curb.  (Access Carpenter here:

Carpenter relied upon as basic law in Landmark Nat’l Bank v. Kesler, No. 98,489, by the Kansas S.Ct., (August 2009).

5. Comprehend the words “Quiet Title Action.”  A proceeding to establish the plaintiffs title to land by bringing into court an adverse claimant and there compelling him either to establish his claim or be forever after she stopped from asserting it.

See also Action to quiet title; Cloud on title.  (Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., p1249).

When no one can produce a valid adverse claim, the court will declare and grant Quiet Title.  Done.  No interest to be paid to any entity who failed to establish a valid claim to the contested property.