Friday 22 February 2013

Actors, working in commerce

Actors, working in commerce, doing a job to be paid, without even questioning their own acts, whether it's right or wrong, whether they should be doing this or not In Commerce, you buy and sell things, that's it, full stop, nothing more, nothing less, its a game.  Now if it's anymore than that, then they are now acting in a role as superior of the universe to the creator, in harming someone, how can anyone claim that role, they can't, unless they are the Creator, of the universe themselves, instead of the creation of the Creator.  

Anything outside of commerce, is seperate.  It becomes a totally controlled criminal entity, for no reason at all, just because they follow what's said to them, without any questioning, and saying to themselves, is this right or wrong, what i am doing to my fellow man or woman, am i going to hurt someone or notLife is not about money, its about living, and not acting to hurt anyone, in anyway.
 Nuremberg Principle: Those who claimed they were just following orders or just doing my job were hanged.