Tuesday 11 June 2013

perspective on money ideas, from both sides - Legal Money for business and lawful money for everyone on earth

perspective on money ideas, from both sides - {Legal Money} - {lawful money} for everyone on earth

Defacto - Intent

Fictional-dead entity's

For the Defacto
DEBT-Public-Fiction-Police (Limited liable) hyper spending
DEBT-Private-Fiction-Police (Limited liable) hyper spending

An employee who works for a (-) debt system-MONEY, is not receiving anything of value

Legal Money Commercial-(Financial) (THEIRS)
Money is created from an idea or an individual or a group of people in financeMoney is nothing more than an single instruments, with numbers created on them, but it still comes down to what it still is, an instrument, that all it is, it has no value, but value created by people who created that financial money.  

U.S.A-{1 dollar-1 debt instrument}, {2 dollars-1 debt instrument}, {5 dollars-1 debt instrument}, {10 dollars-1 debt instrument}.

Britian-{1p-1 debt instrument}, {2p-1 debt instruments}, {5p-1 debt instrument}, {10p-1 debt instrument}, {20p-1 debt instrument}, {50p-1 debt instrument}, {£1-1 debt instrument}, {£2-1 debt instrument}, {£5-1 debt instrument}, {£10-1 debt instrument}, {£20-1 debt instrument}.

USA-1 dollar, 2 dollars, 5 dollars, 10 dollars, and son on...
Britian-1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1, £2, £5, £10, £20 and so on..., these are nothing but ideas, created by single people or a group of people.

You never created the Money, so how can YOU claim its yours? You can't, its not yours.

A millionaire who thinks they have 1 million, or even more, they are so mistaken, that Money is not theirs, they are borrowing it, it belongs to the ones who created it.

that is legal-{unlawful}, and not in anyway lawful
lawful money - for human usage (everyone, who has nothing, can create, something) (yours)

dejure - Intent

human being (man-woman)

For the dejure
credit-Public-human being-Police (Fully Liable)
credit-Private-human being-Police (Fully Liable)
Your creations for human life can help the planet.

America-{1 dollar-1 credit instrument}, {2 dollars-2 credit instrument}, {5 dollars-5 credit instrument}, {10 dollars-10 credit instrument}.

England-{1p-1p credit instrument}, {2p-2p credit instrument}, {5p-5p credit instrument}, {10p-10p credit instrument}, {20p-20p credit instrument}, {50p-50p credit instrument}, {£1-£1 credit instrument}, {£2-£2 credit instrument}, {£5-£5 credit instrument}, {£10-£10 credit instrument}, {£20-£20 credit instrument}, {£50-£50 credit instrument}.

Scotland-{1p-1p credit instrument}, {2p-2p credit instrument}, {5p-5p credit instrument}, {10p-10p credit instrument}, {20p-20p credit instrument}, {50p-50p credit instrument}, {£1-£1 credit instrument}, {£2-£2 credit instrument}, {£5-£5 credit instrument}, {£10-£10 credit instrument}, {£20-£20 credit instrument}, {£50-£50 credit instrument}. and so on...

A man/woman who works for a (+) credit, is not receiving Money, he/she will recieve credit, without Money.

He who creates money (everyone-all), are the creators, the ones who create the instruments, to use for everyone on earth, all around the planet, this is lawful, and not in anyway legal (Not used for financial gain in corporations or business, but for living use only, food, your life's needs).  You create money, it is lawful, but illegal to use for financial gain.  Everyone then has money, if they create it for themselves (creators).  All created money can be used to buy a house, buy a car, buy food, buy clothes, your life's needs. 

Anyone who has not, or cannot create wealth for themselves, they can have someone else create for them.

Your created credit is part of your lawful wealth.

What good is finance, when its an illusion of someone else's ideas, when everyone on earth can write or print their own wealth or be given to use, by your will.

Legal creation - public-private
Legal creation is for business to use.  Who ever creates.