Original Article: "Geneva Convention (1929)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_Convention_(1929)
Geneva Convention (1929)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Geneva Convention (1929) was signed at Geneva, July 27, 1929. Its official name is the Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Geneva July 27, 1929. It entered into force 19 June 1931. It is this version of the Geneva Conventions which covered the treatment of prisoners of war during World War II. It is the predecessor of the Third Geneva Convention signed in 1949.
On their web site the International Committee of the Red Cross state that:
Provisions concerning the treatment of prisoners of war are contained in the Hague Regulations of 1899 and 1907. In the course of World War I they revealed several deficiencies as well as a lack of precision. Such defects were partly overcome by special agreements made between belligerents in Berne in 1917 and 1918.
In 1921, the International Red Cross Conference held at Geneva expressed the wish that a special convention on the treatment of prisoners of war be adopted. The International Committee of the Red Cross drew up a draft convention which was submitted to the Diplomatic Conference convened at Geneva in 1929.
The Convention does not replace but only completes the provisions of the Hague regulations. The most important innovations consisted in the prohibition of reprisals and collective penalties, the organization of prisoners' work, the designation, by the prisoners, of representatives and the control exercised by protecting Powers.
Truth, Law is within u, Private/living/Spirit/Soul/consciousness
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
How can you WORK if your dead - Cest Que Vie Act 1666
How can you WORK if your dead - Cest Que Vie Act 1666
Legal Law or so called Fictional Law, is for dead people only.
In 1666, the fire of london, their was an act, that was written and placed on the law books, called the Cest Que Vie Act. This act claimed everyone in london, dead, obviously at the time there would have been people living in their homes, or somewhere on the land.
The act must of ignored the fact that these people were still live, and the legal people knew it, and just refused to acknowledge it, and just proclaimed everyone dead to keep the legal people happy, no matter what it did the the living people of that time.
So now, fast forward a few hundred years too the present day, if that was the case then, in 1666, that will still be the case now, because that act in 1666 never went away, it is still on the law books. either in that original act or another act.
You could say, their are dead people working, crazy, but true.
That would be a treasonous act, or witchcraft, because you are dead, and you don't realize who you are.
If you were proclaimed dead in law, then you had children, then they be born dead too, they got a job, they would be dead workers. That's is Necromancy, witchcraft.
Legal Law or so called Fictional Law, is for dead people only.
In 1666, the fire of london, their was an act, that was written and placed on the law books, called the Cest Que Vie Act. This act claimed everyone in london, dead, obviously at the time there would have been people living in their homes, or somewhere on the land.
The act must of ignored the fact that these people were still live, and the legal people knew it, and just refused to acknowledge it, and just proclaimed everyone dead to keep the legal people happy, no matter what it did the the living people of that time.
So now, fast forward a few hundred years too the present day, if that was the case then, in 1666, that will still be the case now, because that act in 1666 never went away, it is still on the law books. either in that original act or another act.
You could say, their are dead people working, crazy, but true.
That would be a treasonous act, or witchcraft, because you are dead, and you don't realize who you are.
If you were proclaimed dead in law, then you had children, then they be born dead too, they got a job, they would be dead workers. That's is Necromancy, witchcraft.
The Bo and Rocko Show (2013-07-24)
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Tonight, 7-24-2013, on the Bo & Rocko Show: We are able to report some good news concering a veteran who was facing foreclosure (dead), and then hit important topics such as banking (dead), the Law Merchant (dead), name (dead), title (dead), the General Welfare Clause (dead), the Cestui que vie Act (dead), sabotage, removing ourselves as corporate stock (dead), and more. Tami Pepperman joins us for the second hour on the topic of presidential credit reporters, 1929 Geneva Convention (dead), Prisoners of War (dead), cops (dead), FBI (dead), Agents (dead), Officers (dead), attorneys (dead), judges (dead), the Banking System (dead), Bank structure (dead) / definition (28 USC 453), the functionality of Legal Procedure (dead), how you are apprehended by legal process (dead) (charged), and finally why we need to bring the world under the Public Law (dead) i.e. the 3 Robotic Laws (dead) written by Isaac Assimov in the age of DARPA Terminator Robots (dead), and the rising A.I. (dead) - all in our struggle to return the world to the Public Law (dead).
Genocide: This is YOU
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Another baby gunned down by corporate Policy, and Agenda http://reason.com/blog/2013/07/30/man-who-austin-cop-chased-shot-killed-no
From Black's Law 8th. edition:
ELECTION election,n.1. The exercise of a choice; esp., the act of choosing from several possible rights or remedies in a way that precludes the use of other rights or remedies.
2. The doctrine (dead) by which a person (dead) is compelled to choose between accepting a benefit (dead) under a legal instrument (dead) and retaining some property right (dead) to which the person (dead) is already entitled; an obligation imposed on a party to choose between alternative rights or claims, so that the party is entitled to enjoy only one "you either get a right, or benefit, never both, and you are never the HEIR, wherein your estate has been succeeded by Congress (dead), as you allow it to re present you"
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Outside the Box - Thursday, 1 August 2013
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Listen to internet radio with Critical Mass Radio on BlogTalkRadio
WEBSITE: Kate of Gaia || |
WEBSITE: Katie, Santos || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass || |
WEBSITE: Santos Bonacci || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass Radio || |
WEBSITE: Katie - Invocation Of The Crss Document |
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
Roman Curia - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Original Article: "Roman Curia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Curia
Roman Curia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Roman Curia is the administrative apparatus of the Holy See and the central governing body of the entire Catholic Church, together with the Pope. It coordinates and provides the necessary central organization for the correct functioning of the Church and the achievement of its goals.
"In exercising supreme, full, and immediate power in the universal Church, the Roman pontiff makes use of the departments of the Roman Curia which, therefore, perform their duties in his name and with his authority for the good of the churches and in the service of the sacred pastors" — Decree concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church, Christus Dominus.
Curia in medieval and later Latin usage means "court" in the sense of "royal court" rather than "court of law". The Roman Curia, then, sometimes anglicized as the Court of Rome, as in the 1534 Act of Parliament that forbade appeals to it from England, is the Papal Court, and assists the Pope in carrying out his functions. The Roman Curia can be loosely compared to cabinets in governments of countries with a Western form of governance, but only the Second Section of the Secretariat of State, known also as the Section for Relations with States, the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State and the Congregation for Catholic Education, can be directly compared with specific ministries of a civil government. It is normal for every Latin Catholic diocese to have its own curia for its administration. For the Diocese of Rome, these functions are not handled by the Roman Curia, but by the Vicariate General of His Holiness for the City of Rome, as provided by the Apostolic Constitution Ecclesia in Urbe. The Vicar General of Rome, traditionally a Cardinal, and his deputy the Vicegerent, who holds the personal title of Archbishop, supervise the governance of the diocese by reference to the Pope himself, but with no more dependence on the Roman Curia, as such, than other Catholic dioceses throughout the world. A distinct office, the Vicar General for Vatican City, administers the portion of the Diocese of Rome in Vatican City. Until recently, there still existed hereditary officers of the Roman Curia, holding titles denominating functions that had ceased to be a reality when the Papal States were lost to the papacy. A reorganization, ordered by Pope Pius X, was incorporated into the 1917 Code of Canon Law. Further steps toward reorganization were begun by Pope Paul VI in the 1960s. Among the goals of this curial reform were the modernization of procedures and the internationalization of the curial staff. These reforms are reflected in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. The offices of the Vatican City State are not part of the Roman Curia, which is composed only of offices of the Holy See. The following organs or charges, according to the official website of the Holy See, comprise the Curia. It should be noted that all members of the Curia except the Cardinal Camerlengo and the Major Penitentiary resign their office immediately after a papal death or resignation. See sede vacante
Roman Curia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Roman Curia is the administrative apparatus of the Holy See and the central governing body of the entire Catholic Church, together with the Pope. It coordinates and provides the necessary central organization for the correct functioning of the Church and the achievement of its goals.
"In exercising supreme, full, and immediate power in the universal Church, the Roman pontiff makes use of the departments of the Roman Curia which, therefore, perform their duties in his name and with his authority for the good of the churches and in the service of the sacred pastors" — Decree concerning the Pastoral Office of Bishops in the Church, Christus Dominus.
Curia in medieval and later Latin usage means "court" in the sense of "royal court" rather than "court of law". The Roman Curia, then, sometimes anglicized as the Court of Rome, as in the 1534 Act of Parliament that forbade appeals to it from England, is the Papal Court, and assists the Pope in carrying out his functions. The Roman Curia can be loosely compared to cabinets in governments of countries with a Western form of governance, but only the Second Section of the Secretariat of State, known also as the Section for Relations with States, the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State and the Congregation for Catholic Education, can be directly compared with specific ministries of a civil government. It is normal for every Latin Catholic diocese to have its own curia for its administration. For the Diocese of Rome, these functions are not handled by the Roman Curia, but by the Vicariate General of His Holiness for the City of Rome, as provided by the Apostolic Constitution Ecclesia in Urbe. The Vicar General of Rome, traditionally a Cardinal, and his deputy the Vicegerent, who holds the personal title of Archbishop, supervise the governance of the diocese by reference to the Pope himself, but with no more dependence on the Roman Curia, as such, than other Catholic dioceses throughout the world. A distinct office, the Vicar General for Vatican City, administers the portion of the Diocese of Rome in Vatican City. Until recently, there still existed hereditary officers of the Roman Curia, holding titles denominating functions that had ceased to be a reality when the Papal States were lost to the papacy. A reorganization, ordered by Pope Pius X, was incorporated into the 1917 Code of Canon Law. Further steps toward reorganization were begun by Pope Paul VI in the 1960s. Among the goals of this curial reform were the modernization of procedures and the internationalization of the curial staff. These reforms are reflected in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. The offices of the Vatican City State are not part of the Roman Curia, which is composed only of offices of the Holy See. The following organs or charges, according to the official website of the Holy See, comprise the Curia. It should be noted that all members of the Curia except the Cardinal Camerlengo and the Major Penitentiary resign their office immediately after a papal death or resignation. See sede vacante
Monday, 29 July 2013
Outside the Box, Open Forum - Wednesday, 31st July 2013
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Listen to internet radio with Critical Mass Radio on BlogTalkRadio
WEBSITE: Kate of Gaia || |
WEBSITE: Katie, Santos || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass || |
WEBSITE: Santos Bonacci || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass Radio || |
WEBSITE: Katie - Invocation Of The Crss Document |
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
The Spoken WORD, by voice, is not the Written WORD, by the pen
The spoken WORD, by the voice is not the written WORD, by the pen as the written WORD cannot be the spoken WORD, until it is brought to life, by speaking from it, some kind of witchcraft, maybe.
In a written contract, that is by a document, or documents but in a spoken contract, that is by voice, which is the document.
One should null the other out, i.e, the spoken WORD should null the written contract, cos 1 is dead and the other is live (living).
The written WORD - DEAD
The spoken WORD - LIVING
In a written contract, that is by a document, or documents but in a spoken contract, that is by voice, which is the document.
One should null the other out, i.e, the spoken WORD should null the written contract, cos 1 is dead and the other is live (living).
The written WORD - DEAD
The spoken WORD - LIVING
Outside the Box Open Forum - Tuesday, 30th July 2013
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Listen to internet radio with Critical Mass Radio on BlogTalkRadio
WEBSITE: Kate of Gaia || |
WEBSITE: Katie, Santos || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass || |
WEBSITE: Santos Bonacci || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass Radio || |
WEBSITE: Katie - Invocation Of The Crss Document |
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Outside the Box, Open Forum - Monday, 29th July 2013
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Listen to internet radio with Critical Mass Radio on BlogTalkRadio
WEBSITE: Kate of Gaia || |
WEBSITE: Katie, Santos || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass || |
WEBSITE: Santos Bonacci || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass Radio || |
WEBSITE: Katie - Invocation Of The Crss Document |
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
Necromancy - Commucation with the dead
Commucation with the dead
NAME - Birth Certificate - Death Certificate
Mort - Death/Dead
Mort.gage - Death PledgeRe possesses - Dead
Courts, only deal in the Dead
Summons/Summoning - Dead
All Rise - DEAD
Appear -
Apparition -
Police - talking to the dead, charging the dead
Worship - Woar-ship -Wer-ship - Wur-ship
Idol - {Id}ol
Witch - Wi-Fi
Sorcerer -
Sorcery -
Social -
Sect -
Security -
Rites -
Sacrifice -
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Cops Corporate Policy and Insurance AKA Risk Management
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Tonight, on Leaving the Pfarm with Pat and Tami: Corporate Policy, Insurance...the Guaranty
Don't forget to miss a single episode, of Leaving the Pfarm with Pat and Tami, every Saturday 6-8 p.m. only on Revolution Radio: http://www.freedomslips.com/hifihome/
Metacognition - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Original Article: "Metacognition" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metacognition
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Metacognition is defined as "cognition about cognition", or "knowing about knowing." It can take many forms; it includes knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for learning or for problem solving. There are generally two components of metacognition: knowledge about cognition, and regulation of cognition. Metamemory, defined as knowing about memory and mnemonic strategies, is an especially important form of metacognition. Differences in metacognitive processing across cultures have not been widely studied, but could provide better outcomes in cross-cultural learning between teachers and students. Some evolutionary psychologists hypothesize that metacognition is used as a survival tool, which would make metacognition the same across cultures. Writings on metacognition can be traced back at least as far as De Anima and the Parva Naturalia of the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Metacognition is defined as "cognition about cognition", or "knowing about knowing." It can take many forms; it includes knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for learning or for problem solving. There are generally two components of metacognition: knowledge about cognition, and regulation of cognition. Metamemory, defined as knowing about memory and mnemonic strategies, is an especially important form of metacognition. Differences in metacognitive processing across cultures have not been widely studied, but could provide better outcomes in cross-cultural learning between teachers and students. Some evolutionary psychologists hypothesize that metacognition is used as a survival tool, which would make metacognition the same across cultures. Writings on metacognition can be traced back at least as far as De Anima and the Parva Naturalia of the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
Pedagogy - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Original Article: "Pedagogy" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedagogy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pedagogy (/ˈpɛdəɡɒdʒi/ or /ˈpɛdəɡoʊdʒi/) is the science and art of education, specifically instructional theory. An instructor develops conceptual knowledge and manages the content of learning activities in pedagogical settings. Modern pedagogy has been strongly influenced by the cognitivism of Piaget, 1926, 1936/1975; the social-interactionist theories of Bruner, 1960, 1966, 1971, 1986; and the social and cultural theories of Vygotsky, 1962. These theorists have laid a foundation for pedagogy where sequential development of individual mental processes, such as recognize, recall, analyze, reflect, apply, create, understand, and evaluate, are scaffolded.
Students learn as they internalize the procedures, organization, and structures encountered in social contexts as their own schema. The learner requires assistance to integrate prior knowledge with new knowledge. Children must also develop metacognition, or the ability to learn how to learn.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pedagogy (/ˈpɛdəɡɒdʒi/ or /ˈpɛdəɡoʊdʒi/) is the science and art of education, specifically instructional theory. An instructor develops conceptual knowledge and manages the content of learning activities in pedagogical settings. Modern pedagogy has been strongly influenced by the cognitivism of Piaget, 1926, 1936/1975; the social-interactionist theories of Bruner, 1960, 1966, 1971, 1986; and the social and cultural theories of Vygotsky, 1962. These theorists have laid a foundation for pedagogy where sequential development of individual mental processes, such as recognize, recall, analyze, reflect, apply, create, understand, and evaluate, are scaffolded.
Students learn as they internalize the procedures, organization, and structures encountered in social contexts as their own schema. The learner requires assistance to integrate prior knowledge with new knowledge. Children must also develop metacognition, or the ability to learn how to learn.
This is Sparta
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You, by indoctrination/pedagogy, also known as education, have been taught to be Corporate Product, via Corporate Psychology, Patriotic to the Bank that maintains you as a negotiable instrument known as a deposit. THIS, is Sparta - http://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Emile.html?id=GXlhQgAACAAJ&redir_esc=y
Outside the Box Open Forum - Sunday, 28th July 2013
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Listen to internet radio with Critical Mass Radio on BlogTalkRadio
WEBSITE: Kate of Gaia || |
WEBSITE: Katie, Santos || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass || |
WEBSITE: Santos Bonacci || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass Radio || |
WEBSITE: Katie - Invocation Of The Crss Document |
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
Swearing an Oath or any type of swearing
When you swear too, tell the truth on Oath or just swear to something, for somebody, that's just saying it's ok to swear, and now is negating (taking away from) the truth, for now is a fact and is a plain lie. Any type of swearing, is a permission to lie, truth is self evident, truth does not need to be sworn in or on anything. To swear is to swear, just as to be is to be, to say is to say. Just as the truth is self evident, so is swearing.
Truth: + plus+positive word.
Swearing: _minus_negative word, would become a fact, and grow into a lie.
Truth: + plus+positive word.
Swearing: _minus_negative word, would become a fact, and grow into a lie.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Pirates of the Confederacy
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Pirates of the Confederacy, a message from Leaving the Pfarm. http://www.fmja.org/
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Police, Poland From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Original Article "Police, Poland " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police,_Poland
Police, Poland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Police [pɔˈlʲit͡sɛ] (German: Pölitz; Kashubian/Pomeranian: Pòlice) is a town in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, northwestern Poland. It is the capital of Police County. As of 2006, the town had 34,284 inhabitants. The name comes from the Polish pole, which means "field". The town is situated on the Oder River and its estuary, south of the Szczecin Lagoon and the Bay of Pomerania. The centre of Police Town is situated about 15 km north of the centre of Szczecin. There are 34,319 inhabitants in 2005 and 34,456 in 2004 in the town.
Police, Poland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Police [pɔˈlʲit͡sɛ] (German: Pölitz; Kashubian/Pomeranian: Pòlice) is a town in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, northwestern Poland. It is the capital of Police County. As of 2006, the town had 34,284 inhabitants. The name comes from the Polish pole, which means "field". The town is situated on the Oder River and its estuary, south of the Szczecin Lagoon and the Bay of Pomerania. The centre of Police Town is situated about 15 km north of the centre of Szczecin. There are 34,319 inhabitants in 2005 and 34,456 in 2004 in the town.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Syncretism - Saturday, 27th July 2013
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Listen to internet radio with Critical Mass Radio on BlogTalkRadio
WEBSITE: Kate of Gaia || |
WEBSITE: Katie, Santos || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass || |
WEBSITE: Santos Bonacci || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass Radio || |
WEBSITE: Katie - Invocation Of The Crss Document |
Outside the Box Open Forum - Friday 26th July 2013
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Listen to internet radio with Critical Mass Radio on BlogTalkRadio
WEBSITE: Kate of Gaia || |
WEBSITE: Katie, Santos || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass || |
WEBSITE: Santos Bonacci || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass Radio || |
WEBSITE: Katie - Invocation Of The Crss Document |
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
The Story of Eve
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Quango - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Original Article: "Quango " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quango
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In both Republic of Ireland and the UK, a quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation (quango or qango) is an organisation to which a government has devolved power. In the United Kingdom this term covers different 'arms-length' government bodies, including "non-departmental public bodies", non-ministerial departments and executive agencies. The International Organization for Standardization, which is a network of various countries' national standards institutes, and the Forestry Commission, which is a non-ministerial government department responsible for forestry in Great Britain, are examples of quangos.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In both Republic of Ireland and the UK, a quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation (quango or qango) is an organisation to which a government has devolved power. In the United Kingdom this term covers different 'arms-length' government bodies, including "non-departmental public bodies", non-ministerial departments and executive agencies. The International Organization for Standardization, which is a network of various countries' national standards institutes, and the Forestry Commission, which is a non-ministerial government department responsible for forestry in Great Britain, are examples of quangos.
Portcullis - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Original Article: "Portcullis" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portcullis
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A portcullis (from the French porte coulissante or gliding door) is a latticed grille made of wood, metal or a combination of the two.
Portcullises fortified the entrances to many medieval castles, securely closing off the castle during time of attack or siege. Each portcullis was mounted in vertical grooves in castle walls and could be raised or lowered quickly by means of chains or ropes attached to an internal winch. There would often be two portcullises to the main entrance. The one closer to the inside would be closed first and then the one farther away. This was used to trap the enemy and often, burning wood or fire-heated sand would be dropped onto them from the roof or murder-holes. Hot oil, however, was not commonly used in this manner, contrary to popular belief, since oil was extremely expensive. There were often arrowslits in the sides of the walls, enabling archers and crossbowmen to eliminate the trapped group of attackers. In England, working portcullises survive at the Tower of London, Monk Bar in York, Amberley Castle and Hever Castle.
Portcullis steel access door
Portcullis steel access doors
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A portcullis (from the French porte coulissante or gliding door) is a latticed grille made of wood, metal or a combination of the two.
Portcullises fortified the entrances to many medieval castles, securely closing off the castle during time of attack or siege. Each portcullis was mounted in vertical grooves in castle walls and could be raised or lowered quickly by means of chains or ropes attached to an internal winch. There would often be two portcullises to the main entrance. The one closer to the inside would be closed first and then the one farther away. This was used to trap the enemy and often, burning wood or fire-heated sand would be dropped onto them from the roof or murder-holes. Hot oil, however, was not commonly used in this manner, contrary to popular belief, since oil was extremely expensive. There were often arrowslits in the sides of the walls, enabling archers and crossbowmen to eliminate the trapped group of attackers. In England, working portcullises survive at the Tower of London, Monk Bar in York, Amberley Castle and Hever Castle.
Portcullis steel access door
Portcullis steel access doors

Outside the Box Open Forum - Thursday 25th July 2013
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Listen to internet radio with Critical Mass Radio on BlogTalkRadio
WEBSITE: Kate of Gaia || |
WEBSITE: Katie, Santos || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass || |
WEBSITE: Santos Bonacci || |
WEBSITE: Critical Mass Radio || |
WEBSITE: Katie - Invocation Of The Crss Document |
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Audio: Vick: Beck on the legal entity "PERSON"
listen to a recording - Vick: Beck on the legal entity "PERSON"
Monday, 22 July 2013
Outside the Box Open Forum - Wednesday, 24th July 2013
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia
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Tonight on Outside the Box with host Kate of Gaia, it will be an Open Forum where thoughts and ideas are shared, as usual on any given topic or subject that is the flavour of the moment. These are shows geared for the listeners to really get involved so that they are the guest speakers. Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gm
Joseph Goebbels - Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels (29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945)
Original Article: "Joseph Goebbels" http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Joseph_Goebbels
Joseph Goebbels
Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels (29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945) was Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany. He also served as Chancellor for one day, following Hitler's death. He was known for his zealous and energetic oratory and virulent anti-Semitism.
To attract people, to win over people to that which I have realized as being true, that is called propaganda. In the beginning there is the understanding, this understanding uses propaganda as a tool to find those men, that shall turn understanding into politics. Success is the important thing. Propaganda is not a matter for average minds, but rather a matter for practitioners. It is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct. I do not care if I give wonderful, aesthetically elegant speeches, or speak so that women cry. The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what "we think" right. I speak differently in the provinces than I do in Berlin, and when I speak in Bayreuth, I say different things than I say in the Pharus Hall. That is a matter of practice, not of theory. We do not want to be a movement of a few straw brains, but rather a movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths. Those are found in other circumstances, I find them when thinking at my desk, but not in the meeting hall.
Speech by Joseph Goebbels on 9 January 1928 to an audience of party members at the "Hochschule für Politik", a series of training talks for Nazi party members in Berlin
As quoted in "Erkenntnis und Propaganda," Signale der neuen Zeit. 25 ausgewählte Reden von Dr. Joseph Goebbels (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1934), pp. 28-52
The Pharus Hall was a meeting hall the Nazis often used in Berlin.
What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place.
We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel.
Joseph Goebbels
Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels (29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945) was Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany. He also served as Chancellor for one day, following Hitler's death. He was known for his zealous and energetic oratory and virulent anti-Semitism.
To attract people, to win over people to that which I have realized as being true, that is called propaganda. In the beginning there is the understanding, this understanding uses propaganda as a tool to find those men, that shall turn understanding into politics. Success is the important thing. Propaganda is not a matter for average minds, but rather a matter for practitioners. It is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct. I do not care if I give wonderful, aesthetically elegant speeches, or speak so that women cry. The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what "we think" right. I speak differently in the provinces than I do in Berlin, and when I speak in Bayreuth, I say different things than I say in the Pharus Hall. That is a matter of practice, not of theory. We do not want to be a movement of a few straw brains, but rather a movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths. Those are found in other circumstances, I find them when thinking at my desk, but not in the meeting hall.
Speech by Joseph Goebbels on 9 January 1928 to an audience of party members at the "Hochschule für Politik", a series of training talks for Nazi party members in Berlin
As quoted in "Erkenntnis und Propaganda," Signale der neuen Zeit. 25 ausgewählte Reden von Dr. Joseph Goebbels (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1934), pp. 28-52
The Pharus Hall was a meeting hall the Nazis often used in Berlin.
What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place.
We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel.
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