Thursday 8 August 2013

Hieratic - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Original Article: "Hieratic" 

Hieratic refers to a cursive writing system that was used in the provenance of the pharaohs in Egypt and Nubia that developed alongside the hieroglyphic system, to which it is intimately related. 

It was primarily written in ink with a reed brush on papyrus, allowing scribes to write quickly without resorting to the time-consuming hieroglyphs.  In the 2nd century AD, the term hieratic was first used by Saint Clement of Alexandria.  It derives from the Greek phrase γράμματα ἱερατικά (grammata hieratika; literally "priestly writing"), as at that time hieratic was used only for religious texts, as had been the case for the previous thousand years.  Hieratic can also be an adjective meaning "[o]f or associated with sacred persons or offices; sacerdotal.