Saturday 25 August 2012

The Tyranny of "Democracy"

Original Article: "The Tyranny of "Democracy"
The Tyranny of "Democracy" 
Sovereignty is a manifestation of the free will of an individual human being to make decisions for one's self and to control one's body and property and to freely interact with other people through consensual self government, which is the ability of an individual to govern oneself and one's actions and for people to freely join together to govern their interactions with each other.

Political states masquerading as governments are nothing but criminal gangs, they have no sovereignty or rights of their own, they are merely artificial entities formed to subjugate human beings to serve the interests of those in power.

All legitimate law is based on the natural law of the sovereignty of individual human rights, politicians who make up their own "laws" are in reality criminals who are at war against human rights, people who impose the evil of democracy, which is mob rule are also criminals at war against human rights, anyone who tries to impose one's political opinions or values on others by covering it in the shroud of democratic law are deceivers and tyrants. Just law exists independently of any political body and is manifest in the sovereignty of the individual.

People are brainwashed into believing the fraud that they are the government, they are told that the government is yours; in reality it belongs to the mob who has the greatest power, that's like telling sheep who are attacked by a pack of wolves, that the wolfpack belongs to the sheep.  People are told that the government derives its power from the consent of the governed, if that is so, then try withdrawing your consent or give your consent to a different form of government or start your own government and see what they do to you to force you to submit to their rule.

In a democracy or republic, bullets and ballots are the same thing, voting to impose one's opinions on others is an act of aggression that commits violence against the minority or against other people who do not recognize the legitimacy of democratic mob rule and refuse to participate in the immorality of mob run government that commits crimes against natural human rights.  Democracy is the opinion of a large group of people imposed on others, people must not be enslaved in such a pernicious system simply because of other people's political or social opinions or economic interests; because politics is merely opinion.  When people vote to tell others how to live or to place restrictions on other's rights they are holding a gun to the head of everyone else.  And, their ignorant opinions or absolutely wrong, they don't understand, or even want to understand the basis of human rights or legitimate government.  Legitimate government is not merely opinion, it is based firmly on the foundation of individual sovereignty and natural human rights. 

Those who say they renounce violence and instead will work through the political process to impose a political ideology are foolish liars because the political process is violence.

Julien Benda wrote, "The present age is essentially an age of politics" and said that "democracy is war." Today, it seems, everything is political, social life has been completely politicized, economic activity is politicized, so have the schools, entertainment, sports, even sex.  Opposing group's prejudices, fears and hatreds are the raw material for organizing and motivating the democratic plunderers in a political struggle for power.

To answer the criticism that democracy always means mob rule democrats say that for a democracy to be just it must have majority rule with respect for minority rights.  This is bull, because in a democracy, where the majority rules, it means that the majority will decide what rights the minority will be allowed to have, they will define what minority rights mean, or they may presume to deny the minority's rights entirely, which means that the minorities have no rights at all in a democracy.  Their only right is to submit to the will of the majority.  Even if minority rights are respected to some degree they are never safe because they are always at the mercy of the majority, they may deny their rights at any time and take away whatever allowances had been given.