Friday 21 September 2012

How can a paper corporation create a real Man or a Woman

The realm of paper-Corporations-FICTION
Rights for Paper only: Paper-CONTRACTS-Corporations-Presidents-COURTS-POLITICS-DEMOCRACY-Acts-STATUTES-Taxes-MONEY-PERSON-Citizens-States-Army-War-RELIGIONS.  The Responsability falls on these.
There are no real Presidents in the world outside corporations
             Disband and Disolve all corporations 
                - Just Stop, say No, Nomore -

The Realm of the creator-Man and Woman- (REAL)

Rights for Real Man and Woman: The Creator-Man-Woman-The Earth-Love.  The Responsability falls on Man and Woman.
How can a paper corporation create a real Man or a Woman? isn't that supposed to be the other way around.
This financial catastrophe, was created by corporations spending and spending, and not creating a solution to help, but instead, hinder.  If all corporations work this way, then shouldn't the answer be, that the Man and Woman should be seperate from a corporation and work for themselves or do as they want in there own life, in what they want to do, and not be a part of hand written corporations (paper), which just has their own paper powers to create more paper and create.  All corporations should say, lets pack our bags and go, because the real threat to the Man and Woman are corporations itself.  If things go wrong, not from time and time, but all the time, and the so called experts seem to have the same answers and do the same walks, doesn't it tell you that what they have learn't or learning from the expert books must be wrong.

Doesn't logic tell you that if something doesn't work, then something is wrong, or not done in the right way, with good meaning though, but bad intentions.

When a corporation starts its life, as being a piece of paper, then grows into something Man or Woman produced, doesn't that belong to Man and Woman, and the corporations only own the paper or document its written on, the paper become meaningless.  Who is the real life, the paper corporation or the  real Man or Woman.

If corporations, ceased to be, what would there be if there wasn't always corporations There was Man and Woman, the real creators of things.  The corporations are just an invention to keep people busy, while the bosses just sit back and admire what they created from that piece of paper.  They created a real Man and Woman, from a piece of paper to work for them, NOT REALLY! they haven't, its just all an illusion, i thought it was all real.  
There was GOD, then Man/Woman before any corporations magically excisted.  

Who, Why, What
Who created this corporation, Why did they create this corporation, What did they create this corporation for.

Man or Woman
Right to use a corporation via consent or a contract.
No Consent or Contract

If the ordinary Man or Woman on the street, if they started, a war or wars, wouldn't they be classed as being criminals or have some kind of brake down, mental disorder.  What gives the Army and the people in charge that Right, to do as in being insane, with a Mental Disorder, i myself can't see the the logic or the differance.  That's why all corporations need to be dissolved.  And start living as we were meant to live, not with these corporations.  This world could be saved in 1 day, if corporations worked for the good of humanity, instead of putting a guilt trip on the Man or Woman.  For the world to move on, it has to stop with all Corporations (Paper), and all Governments (Paper).  By dissolving these, Man and Woman can move on.  The power is within the Man and Woman and not in the Corporation of (paper). The corporations are seperate entity's to the real Man and Woman.