Tuesday 4 September 2012

Manipulation of Gods Foods "Organic Foods"

Just something i heard on a news channel about Organic Food, i thought i would say something.  Are these people who claim that something is no better than something else, using just a study, how can a study be conclusive, is something better for a person if he or she likes it, but the point is, is it better for the body, i think they can be more inconclusive, which a study can be manipulated like the foods in the world today, to suit their agendas.  Have they ever tried organic food, then plastic food sold today is more leathal to a man or woman, i guess the clue is in plastic food.  I always got taught that to question things, do your own study, try things to find out yourself what is good for you, than something else, instead of just hearing something from news channels, just because someone claims something is healthier, than what was the original organic food,  which god created.  So shouldn't that be better for us if he created live food, instead of dead food for our bodies created by a corporation or business, instead of a manipulated food.  what is more healthier, the original food, or something that was created to modify that original foodIf their was a study, then their should be equal sides, organic food, not using sprays and pesticides, and food which is organic not being manipulated, agains't any food that hasn't been manipulated.  How can a person do a propper study if every organic food and other foods have been manipulated, wouldn't that be a conflict of interest.  A real study would have stipulations attached to it, to prove a real study.  Everyone should grow what they like.  I think most foods from the earth which are live foods, help in a good development in a persons life.  Organic food has a lot of health benefits.