Tuesday 29 January 2013

The Worlds, BANKRUPTCY - back to the earth we go

I was going to start of with "IF", then i realised, that its not, its just FACT that BANKRUPTCY exists all over the world, full stop.

Then i got onto thinking about, what on earth do people rob banks for, or do idiot things, for money, that doesn't even exist, it is just currency, doesn't exist, its paper, the mind boggles.  Whats the point, they are only strealing, loads of NOTHINGNESS.

money, or currency is created by, NOT YOU, if you create money, then you go to prison, daft, i know, but its a FACT, thats foolish, to think you do not have the ability to create anything.

You can create money, that would be unimaginable, to think you are even born then, i guess.  You have the right to create whatever you like, who give anyone, any right to take that right from you, only the creator can.  If i create something, its mine, yes, i guess it is, but i can give that out, but in reality that is still mine, i created it, but the real truth, is, it all belongs to the creator, not me, nomatter what.  He who created everyone, is the only one who has power over us all, and we, one by one have been given that from our creator.  The Creator of the creation, is higher than that which was created.  Created ALL FICTIONS.  If for example, i created something for someone, then that would be my creation, but given to only use, i always have the right for that back, at anytime i want, but there is a higher creator here, who created, the Creator of every man, woman and child.  If i don't create any money, then how can i pay for anything, ever, i can't and never did, cos all money created was a "promise to pay", all promise's to pay are proof of BANKRUPTCY You have never ever had money, except the money you created for yourself.  This earth has so many left behind, in life, they need help, and with all our hearts.  We need to know how to help, learn how to help, know knowledge, that we can help, be positive in searching for all answers in life, that we can help, we will do it, life is but a journey,  The Creator of all what is true, and from the truth, is all knowledge.