Wednesday 16 January 2013

Clausula rebus sic stantibus - treaty "escape clause"

Original Article "Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus"

Rebus Sic Stantibus
[Latin, At this point of affairs; in these circumstances.]  A tacit condition attached to all treaties to the effect that they will no longer be binding as soon as the state of facts and conditions upon which they were based changes to a substantial degree.

Invocation of 
Clausula Rebis Sic Stantibus,
Writ of Covenant, Writ of Deceit, Writ of Inquiry.

Whereas, a fundamental change of circumstances is now pre-sent in pure speech in the role of liberal constructionist/beadle jus, it is my desirous, willful wish to settle this matter fiat justitia ruat caelum, denique ultimatum revereor verum.  A fraud revealed is null and void, nunc pro tunc, ab initio, ad infinitum.  Whereas my "Starr contract"/Long Form Birth Certificate is in custody with the Registrar General and given under SEAL of the General Registrar Office, Belfast, Northern Ireland as claimed on the "certified copy", my original copy has not been deposited in a lawful repository, namely the King's Exchequor at Westminster ascommanded by Richard the First.  It is my rightful duty to inform all parties/pirates who have laid fraudulent claim to my "stock" as per Black's Law 9th Edition, WEST , 

" stock, n.  (l4c) 1. The original progenitor of a family; a person from whom a family is descended"

where in as much, subrogation is present.  I am the stock of my Mother/Father, self-evident in the blood/aether in my lineage/veins, mitochondrial DNA "delta 9 Lucifer delta 10 mdna" from my Mother which is prima facie evidence of my bloodline (rhA+) where my Father is the beneficiary of any/all ascendants borne to him. 

The Father (semen*) of any/all borne to him render him the beneficiary only, whereas 
the Mother is fiduciary.