Wednesday 15 May 2013

Outside the Box - Thursday, 15th May 2013

The Long and Short of it, by kate of gaia 

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Katie - Invocation Of The Crss Document

Tonight on Outside the Box with hosts Kate of Gaia and Tony Z have special guest, Mel Ve from South Africa.  Mel Ve is the voice and creative force behind Freedom Central, and international multimedia information platform that deals with information on the fringe of existence, and includes original books, documentaries, special feature and over 4 years of interviews with some of the greatest minds on the planet today.  Recently, Mel has been working extensively with Kevin Annett and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State.  Mel will be presenting the case for genocide and crimes against humanity in Southern Africa, with the next round of court cases that are being prepared to be put before the International Common Law Courts of Justice.

Mel has also recently interviewed a very brave whistleblower who is a survivor of an international ritual child sacrifice, trafficking and torture ring, and has come forward naming names, which include Bilderberg founder Prince Bernhard, Lord Mountbatten, Pope John Paul II, and several other high ranking clergy in both the Catholic and Jewish faiths…... Tune in from 7pm to 9 pm est and midnight to 2am gmt