Monday 9 September 2013

Words are just story's told about, something or someone, to make things seem real


living within energy=RED 
Dead, within, no energy=GREEN 

Words are just story's told about, something or someone, to make things seem real, they can have a good effect, or a bad effect of you.  This is a reality of fiction, books, books, and many more thousands of books, sell this, sell that, buy this, buy that, i want this, i want that.  A Fictional reality, where life is stolen and given to the dead, by a willful act.  All Words are nothing more than just Words, they are Written, they are unwritten.  Everyone is much more than just Words Written or spoken words, created from man, which you were given, to use, and not part of you.  Bad people would take advantage of Words given to you, where good people will help you, with the same Words.  If you choose to use them, they are only gifted Words to you, via schools, education.  

So how can creation/source/energy, ever be a servant to fictional-man/woman, without energy, whatsoever in any office.  

It cannot, and it will not.  The Written Words did not come before creation itself, the Written Word comes from the one who creates, after what is already, creation.