Friday 20 September 2013

The Created-teachers from schools, are teaching Creators, how this should be

The Created-teachers from  their Indoctoranated Schools, Colleges, Universities, they teach non-sense, intellect/intelligence is non-sense, being taught by others to be this and be that, non-sense sounds great, but its still 100% non-sense.

You buy their WORDS, because you believe in the WORLD that was created for you, and not by you, they taught you well, now you believe in them, what you got taught to believe, to do this, and you get that, do that and you get this.

All food from the earth, came from the ground, then doesn't the ground have the final say, whether to charge you for using its food or not? even if someone created things from that food, its still the earths food, unless it created in this FICTIONAL WORLD.